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Updated: 1/29/2019
  1. All online exams will be delivered via the University’s secure learning management system, Desire2Learn.
  2. Students must sign in with their own user name and confidential password to access and take the test. Passwords must be maintained according to the OUHSC campus Password Management Policy. The University of Oklahoma has a password management policy by which individual passwords are used to validate the student’s identity when using online systems, including the Program’s learning management system, Desire2Learn.
  3. All dates and times must be agreed upon by both the ISPP Participant and the ISPP Coordinator. Agreement can be documented through email and kept on file.
  4. All Competency Exams will be Password Protected. The Password will be given to the Participant via phone conversation 5 minutes prior to exam opening.
  5. Verification Statements will not be issued to Participants who do not score 70% or greater after three (3) exams have been taken. When the terms are met, the Participant will receive a verification statement from the Internship Director and the appropriate forms will be submitted to the Commission for Dietetic Registration.

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